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I have been writing my whole life. In fact I can still remember the first piece of writing I ever wrote. I was in primary school and I decided to write a heartfelt message to my crush Chloe (if you are reading this, Hi Chloe). She completely ignored my card but thankfully I did not allow that experience to put me off. You see, during that particular moment I discovered why I love writing so much. It provides me with a conduit in which to articulate my view of the world, which is not always possible through speech. I have since moved on from writing valentines cards and have been lucky to write for a number of publications focused on topics such as men's fashion, sports and interviews. My latest experience was with Perazim. During my time with the magazine I held a number of positions. As the Editorial Coordinator I was responsible for overseeing a team of writers and ensuring that the content produced fell inline with the tone and theme of the magazine.